Ann Ree Colton Foundation of Niscience, Inc.
Ann Ree Colton and Jonathan Murro, founders

"Dedicated to inspire others, to create,
and to serve God."
About Niscience
Niscience, which means knowing, is an archetypal system of spiritual instruction received by Ann Ree Colton for students of the Higher Life.
The Ann Ree Colton Foundation of Niscience, located in Glendale, California, was co-founded in 1953 by Ann Ree Colton and Jonathan Murro, for the purpose of preserving and distributing the Niscience Teachings, as well as establishing devotional chapels and research units. A non-profit religious and educational foundation, Niscience is supported by offerings, tithes, and gifts from Niscience members and friends.
The Niscience instruction is available through the Niscience Home Study service in monthly White Paper lessons, and is also presented in the Niscience books, CDs, DVDs, and in weekly meetings and worship services.
Niscience is an initiatory school, as well as a deeply spiritual system of study, worship, creativity, research, healing, and teaching based on the teachings of Jesus, the Bible, and other sacred scriptures of the East and the West.
Niscience blends religion, philosophy, science, and the creative arts - thereby furthering man's creation through his innate love, reverence, and devotion to God.
Niscience adheres to the basic root and principles supporting all pure teachings founded upon truth, and it also presents many new facets of truth. The principle supporting the Niscience Ministry is the Ethic of Jesus. It is the conviction of all Niscience members that men in the present time and in all times must look to the one Perfect Being who lived in this earth as the perfect example and way of life.
The vitality of the Niscience Ministry is sustained by the theme of participation; each member is given the opportunity to qualify to become a Lay Minister. At present the majority of members are active participants in the Lay Ministry.
Niscience is a creative and healing ministry. A mediative healing ministry in which all members take part is a concerted blessing, producing miracles through prayer and healing helps.
The credo of Niscience is "to inspire others, to create, and to serve God." All members are encouraged to express their creative potential. Many come to Niscience unaware of their hidden aptitudes and talents. Their lives are literally transformed through self-discovery.
Membership in Niscience is open to all who would devote themselves to a spiritual life established upon the pillars of practicality and ethic. The Niscience life is an affirmative life producing peace, based upon pure conscience; joy, based upon the love of life; satisfaction, based upon living and selfless works.
The monthly "White Paper" (Home Study) material received by the members furnishes day-by-day reading and study. An organized rhythm in meditation and prayer during different periods of the day provides a modulated, disciplined life.
Weekly Unit meetings and Chapel services conducted by members are held at Niscience headquarters and throughout the United States. Annual conclaves are held at various locations throughout the year. See schedule of events or contact the Foundation Headquarters to find out if there is a Niscience Unit in your area.
Niscience provides the opportunity for one to receive a complete and rounded-out instruction; it contains a system of logic, ethics, and spirituality, in which effort and dedication are asked of the initiate.
Love energy and ethic are the supports of the Niscience Foundation.
— Ann Ree Colton
For schedules and locations of Niscience Worship Services, classes, and events, see schedule and contact information.