Ann Ree Colton Foundation of Niscience, Inc.
The Art of Ann Ree Colton
and Jonathan Murro
I immerse myself within the centered light of creation.
— Ann Ree Colton

Man is born to create. He is born to experience the joys of inspiration and creation. He is born to express the full range of gifts that God has sealed into his heart, mind and soul.
— Jonathan Murro
Both Ann Ree Colton and Jonathan Murro were prolific in their creative expressions producing over 700 pieces of art including paintings, mosaics, ceramics, mandalas, and sculpture. Their lives were a testimony to the creative expression that is a natural part of the spiritual life. An exceptional attribute to much of the artwork is the interpretation given by Ann Ree Colton of the symbols within various works of art.
Ann Ree and Jonathan taught their students to create mandalas as a regular part of their spiritual practice. See Mandala Technique below.
Interested persons may visit the Foundation and receive a tour of the artwork by calling the Foundation and making an appointment time. Persons interested in purchasing photos of the artwork may click here to see some items that are for sale, or click here to order the DVD entitled "The Artwork of Ann Ree Colton and Jonathan Murro" narrated by Jonathan Murro.
The world of holy inspiration is an endless ocean of beauty, truth, love and joy. When one dedicates himself to creativity through the reverent use of colors, his paintings become healers as well as revealers. Each inspirational painting becomes a milestone in his quest for divine union.
— Jonathan Murro
To see recent creativity by Niscience members, visit our Niscience-Creative.org website
Mandala Technique
Mandalas (from left to right): "The Centering of the Treasure" (ARC); "Pelican Christ" (JM); "The Crown and the Lion" (birthday mandala) (ARC); mandala (ARC).
The making of a mandala is a meditative practice. In mandala design and coloring, one draws upon the subconscious for creation, for peace. — Ann Ree Colton, The Third Music
The circle symbolizes the physical sun, the individual, the soul, protection, the Eternal. The circle with a dot or Bindu in the center symbolizes the Eternal Self, the Christ within, the Invisible Sun, the Celestial Angels’ helps, Archangel protection.
When one draws a mandala in the spirit of devotion, giving himself wholly to God, miracles come into his life – changing and transforming….
One begins the making of a mandala knowing it to be a form of meditation. He draws a circle, and within the center he places a dot, which represents the Bindu-point or seed outpicturing the soul’s pulsation.
The mandala is a kaleidoscopic process of forms, patterns, and energies flowing out of the pulsation point of the soul. All persons are in an unceasing state of creating these mandala or geometrical forms from the soul’s pulsation….
One does not need to be an artist. To make a mandala is not an art session.
How to make a mandala:
Use any size paper desired.
Put a plate down on the paper and draw a circle.
Use pencil, colored pencils, crayons, pastels, pen and ink, or paints.
Before beginning your mandala, have a few seconds of silent contemplation. Ask God to speak through your unconscious. Give thanks. Do not seek to draw or reproduce any vision you have had. Let the mandala be the canvas for your soul, and let the Esse-flow of the Holy Spirit flow into your hands, into your heart.
Put a dot (Bindu point) in the exact center.
Place the palette of colors before you and choose the colors to which you are drawn.
Start the flow of color from the Bindu point.
Let the inner from your unconscious come forth. Place on the paper the colors and designs according to your mood.
Do not intellectualize your mandala. Be careful to retain a feeling of receptivity. Let your soul speak to you in color so that you may unite with your soul’s medallion and grace. The continued practice of the mandala results in mind-strength, soul-poise, and overflowing of spiritual gifts.
Everything in the mandala practice is learning the force and soul fields of the self, the mind, and the emotions.
From the book, The Third Music, by Ann Ree Colton, chapter: “Mastery Through the Mandala”