A Call for Spiritual Mediation
But thou, when thou fastest, anoint. thine head, and wash thy face....Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting. - Jesus (Matthew 6:17, 17:21) During this pandemic, as the weeks have worn on, I, personally, have not found the data or the media at all helpful in my coming to terms with what is going on in our world. For me, numbers do not provide a “way” when I try to fathom what the immediate future of our country and our world will look like. When it comes to human lives or loss of life, and, because the data shifts daily and is often contradictory, it hasn’t provided me with much assurance or insight. Ann Ree wrote, “Any instruction colored by personal opinion is not soul instruction.” Obviously, our country is in an unprecedented and very grave situation, health-wise, and in so many other ways. Our levels of unemployment, financial ruin and fallout, and our degree of collective indebtedness are staggering. The extreme separation and hatred which so many individuals feel toward one another is so sorrowful. I am very concerned about government over-reach and an erosion of our individual freedoms and rights. I do not believe that science or modern medicine hold the solutions. I do not believe our government can heal our deep imbalances. I do not believe that any institution or corporation can fix the disastrous times we are in. Only the Christ can heal and save us. Humanity has abused and plundered the animal, plant and mineral kingdoms for centuries. So many have lost their moral compass. Spiritual illiteracy and disobedience to God’s Laws, Will, and Plan are truly the root cause of all of our woes. As Ann Ree said, Divine Mother will only take so much and then she will get out her broom. The sin body of the earth is spilling over. Long festering wounds are coming to the surface, especially in our country. Niscienes face the challenge of being in the world, but not of the world. We are not exempt from what is going on around us in Maya. It is a huge challenge to navigate all the variables while holding fast to our knowing and our dedication to serve God and to maintain our spiritual rhythms and timings no matter what. We must all trust that our combined heart, mind, and soul-knowing will see us through all of the dark times…. There is so much that is truly unknown. It is extremely challenging to make spiritually intelligent decisions when we are navigating through completely uncharted waters. I have complete faith that love, spiritual logic, patience, and trust in God and the Christ will lead us. We have to trust that the efforts of our mediative network combined with the inner workings of the Mediative Host, can, and will always, do a powerful work in this world. –Orese Fahey
Silence Fast, June 3; Lunar Eclipse Full Moon Fast, Friday, June 5, 2020 Be Silent and Listen to what the Lord would say Be Silent and Listen, be quiet this day Be Silent and Listen, go deeply and pray Broken hearts Broken communities Broken faith Broken trust Broken windows Broken hopes Broken dreams and Broken lives Broken… Father, I dedicate this fast to the great healer and physician of us all, Christ Jesus, that we may renew, rebuild, and be resurrected according to Thy Image, Thy Wisdom, Thy Way. Lord, have mercy on us all. We need Thy instruction. Please hear our silence, we offer it unto Thee, that we may respond to Thy voice and build again within and through Thy wisdom, Thy mercy, Thy grace. In Thy most holy Name, we fast, pray, repent, and make petition unto Thee. –Enys Miller
One who waits on the soul for instruction should keep his thoughts chaste, quiet, holy. To time one’s receptivity to instruction will invite a select instruction containing the very essence of reality. -Ann Ree Colton

(This photo was taken Thursday, June 4, in the tide of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse)
The pinnacle at Washington retaineth the magnetism of the architects’ tone of the United States of America. Set within this tone is a golden flame beneath the earth, wherein are sealed the covenant and laws of the nation, fulfilling the rules of the Hierarchs who send strong egos into strong continents. The magnetic needle, called Washington’s Monument, was placed to purge out the poisons festering within unethical minds within the nation, and to enable the nation’s magnetic pole to purify and to send into the humanity life-stream an unending renewal of energy. -Ann Ree Colton
We are just a baby as a nation in the Archetypal Light. When a thing is young, you can shape it. So, if there are enough souls in the world at one point of time when men come together with one idea, there is nothing that can deny it; and that is the way of bringing the conscience into the core of our peoples; letting them know what true worship is; bringing the Holy Spirit back to our Altars with courage; and also bring all of our institutions back into that Flow of spiraling perfection that we are seeking to have in this nation. –Ann Ree Colton
May our nation arise to fulfill its archetypal purpose and intent within the Will of God.