Christmas 2024

Greetings in this holy Christmas tide in which we turn our gaze once again to the Bethlehem Star and contemplate its beauty and portent for all in the world. Once again we follow its pointing leading to the manger cave, so as to remember and better comprehend. There we revisit the precious sights and sounds: the mother and father, the animals, the angels, and most especially – the new born Child. We remember also the shepherds – and all the reverent ones who came from near and far. And we too are allowed entry to witness and more broadly comprehend. The humble birth of our Lord is resplendent in its simplicity and in the love and prophecy it portends for the world.
The words of Ann Ree Colton:
Jesus, Lord of Love, we entreat Thee, O Lord Jesus, our Savior, to light the Bethlehem Light in our souls that we may know and see the Omnipresence of God in all men, in all situations.
We pray as we praise Thee. Keep us enlightened as to Thy reality as the Christ vehicle for God. We are blessed through Thy unceasing love, Thy unceasing reassurance of the true and only Way.
Bless us, O Lord, at Christmas, Thy Birth time, that we may know the true path of heart, soul and mind. Let our thanks and gratitude overflow into this world. Let us share the strength of our faith in God Thou didst implant into us. Gather us under Thy wings in the Christed Light as Thou wouldst gather Thy chicks. The dark is past, for Thou didst seal in the Light, Thy Light given to Thee of God – that everlasting Light. So Be It, O Son of Man, O Son of God.
So Be It. Pass Thy blessing to all we pray for at this Christmas time, for we would receive the peace of Heaven which passeth all understanding. The Christmas holy blessing be upon all men. - Ann Ree Colton
The Third Music was there in the Bethlehem scene. The Third Music was present as souls prepared, knew, and followed the Star. It was there in the prophecies and in the Angels. It was known by those who hastened to protect Him. It was there in the pain and the great triumph of love He was sent to manifest for the world. The Third Music is there in all of our hearts as we remember…, pray…, and prepare once again.
May you know a very blessed Christmas in the promise He brings, for “in Him is no darkness at all” (1 John 1:5). As Ann Ree said, “So Be It,” most holy Son of God, forevermore. On behalf of our Teachers and the Niscience Foundation, wishing all a most holy Christmas.
Enys Miller and your Niscience Co-Disciples
