A November Guild Message
I would like to repeat a little vision I had last night for those who were not here then. I was sitting waiting for the service. I was not here because I was yet tired from the trip. I planned to come in when the questions and answers were completed. As I waited, I entered into the word which was being contemplated, and the word was “quiet.” Suddenly, all around the house and buildings there was like a snowstorm with lovely pink snowflakes. They were falling on this island of peace and worship, and blessing us. I feel that it was a talisman of God that we might be blessed, and that the prayers that you have carried on in the Sanctuary – the attendance this summer, your loyalty, your devotion, your trying and your serving – this had spoken a continual tongue, and more than this, that which you have proven to yourselves of the demonstrable truth and power of Niscience. My hope went skyward and it became one of knowing, of Niscience, – all that we have seen and hoped for – the effort, and that it is acknowledged in heaven, that it was again a downpouring of blessing for us.
So I feel that tonight I should thank all of you who have contributed this summer, the actual work of the men next door, the work which was fulfilled by Anastasia in the various things which had to be done in her stewardship, all of you in your stewardship, your moderatorship, recording, lay ministry on Sundays, your Devotion ministry – all of which is a wonderful thing.
And to think that it has come out of our own call of soul, and that we have called this teaching out of our soul desiring to have a pure ethical teaching, a pure, reverent worship and approach to God. That we have called this out of our souls. Even as we called our names to each other before we met, so did we call this teaching to us, and I believe that we realize it more all the time, that we realize that it is unique, precious, small, even sweet, in its fragrance and odor.
So we are human and we sometimes fall a little apart, but we always come back to Niscience which is so necessary to shake the egotistical shell, that we might shed it, that we might walk toward the Light. We do so much in the healing ministry service, so much in the faith, in that we ourselves carry light in our faces and countenances; we also do so much work, for faith without works is dead. We know that this is so, dear ones, that we are trying.
I see that we have had a spiritual leap this summer – always after Easter. We have had such a wonderful time of ecstatic association and alignment, and then for the first three weeks after Easter we are ground under. In the summer we take small portions. Sometimes this does not always seem so, but it is the continuity of events, formulas. We come to know our fellow disciples more as to the burdens and crosses they carry. We come also to see the various conflicts in their evolvement, but out of this we see reflected our own, because we progress in similar manners, while on the same path.
Beloved ones, I want to say to you that when I went away I was the most blessed woman in the world in knowing, in my being able to be away and to overlook the plateau, the perspective of the work, during the summer. This was God’s rich gift to me and to Jonathan. We are able to look into these manuscripts which we are going to present to you as well as we might in our own knowledge.
But more than this, to be able to see and to intuit what is in your hearts, which are never separated from mine. It is such a blessing that one woman can hardly contain. It is no wonder that my heart does flop around like the wings of a bird, not from pressures, or weighted burdens, but the very gratitude that one dove may fly in and another dove fly out, always ready for another dove to fly in.
So tonight when I heard you coming, it was the most natural thing, that I felt like a mother with her first born – so right, so natural, so true yet so wonderful, never away from the love of God.
Bless you, dear ones, we thank you from our hearts, Jonathan and mine, for all that you have done to make Niscience possible.
-Ann Ree Colton