Christmas Overflow
Once again we crossed the threshold of Christmas – with its awesome insight into inward splendors and joys – a touchstone that is truly sublime. Each year the wonders of Christmas are filled with a spiritual potency awaiting to resound their Music into a tenderized heart. Life, initiation, sorrow, joy, growth, struggle, love – all prepared us to experience a more meaningful Christmas. All these experiences opened a deeper and more universal empathy and insight.
The coming of Christ Jesus was ordained for this world, bringing with it a tide of transformation and revelation. It was the introduction of a new Archetype and a way of love. A love that would teach us how to lay down our lives for our friends – and in this to discover the greatest Music ever lived. Ann Ree Colton has said, “You have to hear the music, it is there.” We have to find the Music in the way we live our lives, in the forgiveness, the gratitude, the courage, the sacrifice and giving, and in all the things that Jesus came to teach us. We have to see and hear the music in the manger, the wonders it portends, the beauty in the mother, the father, and the innocent Child come so simply into the world.
O Soul-day, O Birth-day of the Son of God, be in us in your grace. We pray for the unity between all souls to arise on this day, that all in the world may announce that He, as the manger-birth, is now in this Earth blessing all, caring for all, leading all. -Ann Ree Colton
Christ is indeed the sound emergent, “the way, the truth, and the life” (St. John 14:6). He is the Increase of God – born once again each starry Christmas in every heart thus attuned to His coming. Let us open our hearts and rejoice in His coming: the Son of God for us all!
We send wishes, love, and joy for the new year to all our Niscience friends and co-disciples.
Enys Miller